Emil Cioran Quotes about life, love

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Emil Cioran Quotes about life
Emil Cioran, a Romanian philosopher and essayist, is known for his deeply reflective and often pessimistic views on life and existence. Here are some of his notable quotes about life:
“Chaos is rejecting all you have learned. Chaos is being yourself.”
“Life is only a matter of living long enough to become accustomed to it.”
“Writing is a way to talk without being interrupted.”
“A book is a suicide postponed.”
“Every thought derives from a thwarted sensation.”
“A sudden burst of laughter represents a capitulation of the mind. Laughter is involuntary defeat.”
“Decomposition is the phenomenon of life, not of death. We are decaying at this very moment.”

“Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness.”
“Our first movements are those of a condemned man, and each day is a reprieve, a fleeting grace.”
“There are heights of the soul from which even tragedy ceases to seem tragic.”
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Emil Cioran Quotes about love
Emil Cioran, known for his deeply philosophical and often existential musings, also touched upon the theme of love in his writings. Here are some of his notable quotes about love:
“Love is the desire to be irresistibly desired.”
“The only way to remain in love is to never meet.”
“Love is the interval between two gardenias.”
“The only way to remain in love is to never meet.”
“The only successful love is an unrequited love.”
“Illusion is the first of all pleasures; love thrives on it.”

“Desire creates the universe; love illuminates it.”
“True lovers are never at peace, they’re eternally agitated, like the sea.”
“Love never dies of starvation, but often of indigestion.”
“There is no void in love, only fullness in perpetual motion.”
Emil Cioran Quotes language
Emil Cioran, with his profound philosophical insights, also had notable thoughts on language. Here are some of his quotes that reflect his views on this topic:
“A book is a suicide postponed.”
“All I possess is the joy of having despised them; not a very edifying joy, maybe, but still a joy, and not a small one.”
“Poetry is despair which has learned to sing.”
“The tyranny of words: we live in a prison of our own verbal making.”
“Languages are feeble instruments for dissecting the world, but we have nothing better.”
“Our words are our bonds; they shape our thoughts and cage our experiences.”

“Language is the echo of our unsolvable mysteries.”
“The deceptions of language are the mirrors of our unresolved existential angst.”
“The purpose of language is to keep us from understanding each other.”
“In the realm of suffering, words are poor consolers.”