Dive into the world of ancient wisdom with ‘40 Epicurus Quotes on love, happiness, friendship & about life‘ at fabulousquotes.net. Uncover the timeless insights of Epicurus, the Greek philosopher who redefined the essence of love and happiness. These quotes offer a unique blend of simplicity and depth, guiding us towards a life of contentment and affection.

10 Epicurus Quotes on love
Here are 10 quotes attributed to him that reflect his views on love:
“Friendship dances around the world, bidding us all to awaken to the recognition of happiness.”
“The wise man does not devalue love; for nothing is more valuable to people than love.”
“The noble man is most involved with wisdom and friendship; of these, the greatest is friendship.”
“The love of money, if unjustly gained, is impious, and if justly, shameful.”
“The noble soul occupies itself with wisdom and friendship; of these, the latter is the greater good.”
“Friendship dances around the world, bidding us all to awaken to the recognition of happiness.”
“The wise man does not belittle the pleasures of love.”
“The greater the difficulty in achieving happiness, the greater the satisfaction when it is achieved.”
“For a man to think that life will be better after the death of his wife or after the obtaining of money or power, is the mark of a disordered mind.”
“Pleasure in the body admits no excess, and is good, but pleasure in the mind admits no deficiency, and is always good.”
10 Epicurus Quotes on happiness
“The greatest wealth is to live content with little.”
“If you wish to make a man happy, add not to his store of money, but subtract from his desires.”
“We must remember that the future is neither wholly ours nor wholly not ours, so that neither must we count on absolute certainty in it nor despair of a measure of effectual control.”
“Continuous bodily pain does not last long; instead, pain, if extreme, is present a very short time, and even that degree of pain which slightly exceeds pleasure in the body does not last for many days at once.”
“If the things that produce the pleasures of profligates could dispel the fears of the mind concerning the heavenly bodies, and death, and pain, and enable us to limit our desires, we should have no reason to reproach them.”
“Many are the simple things which bring pleasure if the pain that comes with them be away.”
“Pleasure is the first good. It is the beginning of every choice and every aversion, and to it, we come back, inasmuch as we make feeling the rule by which to judge every good thing.”
“The magnitude of pleasure reaches its limit in the removal of all pain.”
“He who is not satisfied with a little, is satisfied with nothing.”
10 Epicurus Quotes friendship
“We do not so much need the assistance of our friends as the confidence of their assistance in need.”
“The noble soul occupies itself with wisdom and friendship; of these, the latter is the greater good.”
“Friendship dances around the world, bidding us all to awaken to the recognition of happiness.”
“If you wish to make a man happy, add not to his store of money, but subtract from his desires.”
“The greater the difficulty in achieving happiness, the greater the satisfaction when it is achieved.”
“For a man to think that life will be better after the death of his wife or after the obtaining of money or power, is the mark of a disordered mind.”
“Pleasure in the body admits no excess, and is good, but pleasure in the mind admits no deficiency, and is always good.”
“It is not so much our friends’ help that helps us, as the confidence of their help.”
“Friendship dances around the world, bidding us all to awaken to the recognition of happiness.”
“We do not so much need the assistance of our friends as the confidence of their assistance in need.”
10 Epicurus Quotes about life
“Natural wealth is limited and is easy to procure; but the wealth defined by vain fancies is always beyond reach.”
“Pleasure in the body admits no excess, and is good, but pleasure in the mind admits no deficiency, and is always good.”
“Natural wealth is limited and is easy to procure; but the wealth defined by vain fancies is always beyond reach.”
“The art of living well and the art of dying well are one.”
“If you wish to make Pythocles wealthy, do not add to his store of money, but subtract from his desires.”
“He who is not satisfied with a little, is satisfied with nothing.”
“Vain is the word of a philosopher which does not heal any suffering of man.”
“Natural wealth is limited and is easy to procure; but the wealth defined by vain fancies is always beyond reach.”
“Of all the means which wisdom acquires to ensure happiness throughout the whole of life, by far the most important is the acquisition of friends.”
“It is impossible to live a pleasant life without living wisely and well and justly.”