Best Frank Zappa Quotes
Delve into the world of ‘Frank Zappa Quotes‘ at fabulousquotes.net, where the legendary musician’s wit and wisdom come to life. Zappa’s thought-provoking and often humorous sayings challenge conventions, offering a unique lens on society, creativity, and life. Unearth the genius of Zappa’s words and find your inspiration today.

Table of Contents,
I. Frank Zappa Quotes on life
“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.”
“The mind is like a parachute. It works only when it’s open.”
“To me, absurdity is the only reality.”
“There is no hell. There is only France.”
“Politics is the entertainment branch of industry.”
“Interviewer: ‘So Frank, you have long hair. Does that make you a woman?’ Frank Zappa: ‘You have a wooden leg. Does that make you a table?'”

“Music is always a commentary on society.”
“I write what I like to write. If I could just crank out a Frank Zappa ‘Dinah-Moe Humm’ every day, I would be more than satisfied. But each song has its own identity and I cannot leave it until I have said what I need to say.”
“Speaking of nuts, the best way to make them is to deep fry them in the grease left over from bacon.”
“I don’t want to see any religious people in long robes walking down the aisle toward me.”
II. Frank Zappa Quotes politics
“You can’t progress by conforming. That’s the beauty of rock and roll and the beauty of democracy.”
“The mind is like a parachute. It only functions when it’s open.”
“One size does not fit all.”
“Life is like high school with money.”
“Dying is easy; comedy is hard.”
“Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it.”
“The biggest thrill you can have is to tell the truth. It’s like death in a way.”

“It’s better to have something to remember than anything to regret.”
“You can’t really dust for vomit, but you can certainly wonder where you’d be without it.”
“Beware of the fish people, they are the true enemy.”
III. Frank Zappa Quotes on music
“Music really is a way to reach out and hold onto each other in a healthy way.”
“I decided to be a composer when I heard Stravinsky’s ‘The Rite of Spring’. It was primal, shocking, and beautiful all at once.”
“The best way to end a problem is to introduce it to a solution. Music has been my solution.”
“I write what I like to write. If I could just crank out a Frank Zappa ‘Dinah-Moe Humm’ every day, I would be more than satisfied.”
“Without deviation, progress is not possible in music or in life.”

“Jazz isn’t dead. It just smells funny.”
“Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.”
“Everything in the universe is rhythm. Everything dances.”
“Music is the most physically inspiring of all the arts.”
“Reality is something you rise above.”
IV. Frank Zappa Quotes on death
“No one is really dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away.”
“The present-day composer refuses to die.”
“Dying is a matter of destiny. Living well is a matter of choice.”
“Time is the only currency in life. Spend it wisely, as you can’t earn any more of it.”
“The present day composer refuses to die.”

“Life and death are merely different states of being.”
“We are not really here, that’s the illusion.”
“Life is too short to be small.”
“The more you live, the less you die.”
“Death is just a state of mind.”
V. Watch video Frank Zappa Quotes
VI. Who is Frank Zappa ?
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In exploring the ‘Best Frank Zappa Quotes,’ we uncover the depths of a truly unique mind. Zappa’s words, infused with wit and wisdom, challenge conventions and inspire thought, leaving a lasting impact on music, culture, and our understanding of the world.