Top 35 St Francis De Sales Quotes

Top 35 St Francis De Sales Quotes
“The measure of love is to love without measure.”
“Great occasions for serving God come seldom, but little ones surround us daily.”
“The indifferent heart is like a ball of wax in God’s hands, ready to accept all the impressions of his eternal good pleasure.”
“It is not the works which are of value before God, but the pure love with which they are done.”
“The devil does not bring temptations to those who are satisfied with themselves.”
“Our patience will achieve more than our force.”
“We must not wish anything other than what happens from moment to moment, all the while, however, exercising ourselves in goodness.”

“The will is like a horse, and the intellect like the rider. If the horse does not know the road, he will follow the rider everywhere he goes.”
“To have courage for whatever comes in life – everything lies in that.”
“He who has no tranquility within himself will try to find it from outward sources.”
“The practice of humility, in a soul truly resigned, produces meekness and sweetness.”
“Do not desire crosses; seek patience with which to bear the crosses which come.”
“God does not measure our perfection by the number and greatness of the works we do for Him, but by our love for Him.”
“The devil tries to trouble us by whispering to us that our neighbor is speaking ill of us.”
“Do not be upset when your weaknesses and imperfections are shown. View them calmly, lovingly, and use them as a means of humbling yourself and of making a little act of virtue.”
“Nothing is so pleasing to our Divine Majesty as a soul that is resigned to suffer with sweetness all the crosses of this life.”
“Our business is to love what is, and not to hate what is not, for this changes nothing.”
“True and solid devotion consists in the constant, prompt, generous, and exact accomplishment of God’s will.”
“Do not fear to be thought ignorant as to what is not necessary to be known. There are those who would like to know everything but are not willing to learn anything. Be content not to be thought wise among those who think themselves so.”
“He who does not learn to deny himself, will never be able to follow Christ.”
“The more we know of the excellence of God the more we aspire to the love of Him.”
“When you have learned to make acts of real virtue without reflecting on your own reputation, you will then begin to acquire true humility.”

“Suffering borne in the will quietly and patiently is a continual, very powerful prayer before God.”
“It is impossible to be truly humble and at the same time be unhappy.”
“The heart that is taken and pressed by troubles becomes like a fruit that gives forth its bitter juices when squeezed.”
“We cannot bear the burden of both our cross and that of another.”
“God commands you to pray, but forbids you to worry.”
“He who accepts all things will be enlightened.”
“The measure of our love for God depends upon how deeply aware we are of God’s love for us.”
“Nothing is so well calculated to produce a deathbed repentance as an ill-spent youth.”
“To live without speaking is better than to speak without living.”
“The greatest method of praying is to pray the Rosary.”
“In the practice of devotion, seek the spirit rather than the form. Seek the fruit that is produced rather than the flower that produces it.”
“The truly humble person is not disturbed by praise or blame; he is moved only by God’s judgment of him.”

“Do not be upset by your imperfections. It is simply a reminder that you are not God.”
“Those who do not pretend to be saints on earth will be so in heaven.”