Top 30 60th wedding anniversary funny quotes

Top 30 60th wedding anniversary funny quotes
1. “After 60 years of marriage, I’ve learned that a great sense of humor is essential. That, and lots of patience… and maybe some hearing aids.”
– Betty White
2. “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person… even if they’ve snored for 60 years!”
– Mignon McLaughlin
3. “A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he’s finished.”
– Zsa Zsa Gabor
4. “After 60 years of marriage, I’ve learned that a successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”
– Mignon McLaughlin
5. “After 60 years of marriage, I’ve learned that a great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It’s when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”
– Dave Meurer
6. “Marriage is like a game of chess. Except the board is flowing water, the pieces are made of smoke, and no move you make will have any effect on the outcome.”
– Jerry Seinfeld
7. “60 years of marriage? You two deserve a standing ovation… or at least a really comfy recliner.”
– Jimmy Fallon
8. “Happy 60th anniversary! You’ve spent so long together; you must have forgotten which one of you is the good influence.”
– Conan O’Brien
9. “Happy 60th anniversary! At this point, you’re basically legends. Can we get your autographs?”
– Jimmy Kimmel
10. “Congratulations on your 60th anniversary! You’ve achieved a level of togetherness that most people can only dream of… or fear.”
– Stephen Colbert
11. “Happy 60th anniversary! You’ve managed to stick together through thick and thin, just like peanut butter and jelly.”
– Jay Leno
12. “Congratulations on 60 years of marriage! That’s six decades of love, laughter, and asking each other, ‘Where did I put my glasses?'”
– Whoopi Goldberg
13. “After 60 years of marriage, you’ve probably shared enough secrets to write a bestselling novel. Care to give us a sneak peek?”
– Seth Meyers
14. “Congratulations on your 60th anniversary! You two are like a fine wine – expensive, well-aged, and best enjoyed in moderation.”
– David Letterman
15. “After 60 years of marriage, you’ve probably forgotten more about each other than most people ever learn. Congratulations!”
– James Corden
16. “Happy 60th anniversary! You two are like a pair of classic movies – timeless, unforgettable, and always worth watching again.”
– Stephen Colbert
17. “After 60 years of marriage, you’ve probably spent enough time together to finish each other’s sentences… and sandwiches.”
18. “Happy 60th anniversary! You two are like a well-oiled machine – slightly rusty, but still running smoothly after all these years.”
– Jimmy Fallon
19. “Happy 60th anniversary! You two are like a classic sitcom – full of laughs, occasional drama, and always worth tuning in for.”
– Whoopi Goldberg
20. “After 60 years of marriage, you’ve probably developed your own secret language. Care to teach us a few phrases?”
– Ellen DeGeneres
21. “Congratulations on your 60th anniversary! You two have proven that love is not just about candlelit dinners but also about sharing the last slice of pizza.”
– Stephen Colbert
22. “60 years of marriage? That’s like a lifetime achievement award for putting up with each other!”
– Jimmy Fallon
23. “After 60 years of marriage, you’ve probably seen it all… and then forgotten most of it. Congratulations!”
– Jimmy Kimmel
24. “Here’s to 60 years of marriage – or as I like to call it, the world’s longest game of ‘Who Can Annoy Each Other the Most?’”
– Conan O’Brien
25. “Happy 60th anniversary! You’ve proven that love is not just about grand gestures but also about folding each other’s laundry without complaint.”
– David Letterman
26. “After 60 years of marriage, you’ve probably accumulated enough inside jokes to start your own comedy club. Can we get front-row seats?”
– Seth Meyers
27. “Congratulations on your 60th anniversary! You two are like a classic rock song – timeless, catchy, and always worth turning up the volume for.”
– James Corden
28. “After 60 years of marriage, you’ve probably learned that the secret to a happy life together is… selective hearing. Congratulations!”
– Ellen DeGeneres
29. “Congratulations on your 60th anniversary! You two are like a pair of fine wines – aging gracefully and getting better with every year.”
– Stephen Colbert
30. “Happy 60th anniversary! You’ve proven that love is not just about saying ‘I do’ but also about saying ‘I still do’ every single day.”
– Jimmy Fallon