Funniest Quotes About Mental Health

Funniest Quotes About Mental Health
“I’m on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it. My abs are just hidden under a layer of love handles.”
“I have a love-hate relationship with my treadmill. We meet every day, and it hates me.”
“I finally found the motivation to exercise regularly. It’s called ‘wanting to live long enough to see the next season of my favorite TV show’.”
“I’m not overweight, I’m just under-tall.”
“I don’t sweat, I sparkle. At least that’s what I tell myself during spin class.”
“Exercise? Oh, I thought you said extra fries!”
“I don’t always exercise, but when I do, I reward myself with a nap.”
“I’ve got 99 problems, and 86 of them are completely made up scenarios in my head while I’m on the treadmill.”
“I’ve got 99 problems, and 86 of them are completely made up scenarios in my head while I’m on the treadmill.”
“My gym’s mascot should be a couch potato. We’d relate on a spiritual level.”
“I have a six-pack. It’s just hidden under a layer of ice cream.”
“I would exercise more, but it interferes with my nap schedule.”
“My fitness goal? To be able to lift my credit card without getting winded.”
“I’m in shape. Round is a shape, isn’t it?”
“I’m not flexible. My idea of bending over backwards is reaching for the remote control.”
“I’d go to the gym, but it’s just so far away… from my bed.”
“I do yoga to relieve stress. Just kidding, I drink wine in yoga pants.”
“I have a love-hate relationship with my scale. It always tells me things I don’t want to hear.”
“I’m on a strict fitness regimen. It’s called ‘Netflix and Chill.'”
“I’m not fat, I’m just easier to see.”
“I’m not lazy, I’m energy efficient.”
“I’m not sweating, I’m sparkling. It’s called glam-gymming.”
“I run because I really like tacos.”
“I go to the gym because I enjoy using up all the hot water afterwards.”

“My body is a temple. Unfortunately, it’s a temple of doom with a snack bar.”
“My doctor said I need to start drinking more water. So, I’m switching to wine. It’s made from grapes, right?”
“I would exercise, but it cuts into my online shopping time.”
“I’m not overweight, I’m under-tall.”
“I’m not a gym rat, I’m a gym sloth. Slow and steady wins the race, right?”
“I’ve reached the age where ‘getting lucky’ means finding my car in the parking lot on the first try.”
“I do yoga to relieve stress. Or maybe it’s just an excuse to wear stretchy pants in public.”
“I’m on a health kick. I’m kicking the vending machine until a Snickers falls out.”
“My gym routine? 30% exercising, 70% taking selfies in the mirror.”
“I’m not fat, I’m just easy to see.”
“I’m not overweight, I’m undertall.”
“I’m not out of shape, I’m just pre-round.”
“I would exercise, but it interferes with my TV binge-watching schedule.”
“I exercise because I love my body. Mostly because I love dessert and I need to make room for it.”